
가운과 목욕 가운의 차이점


A robe and a bathrobe are similar in that they are both loose-fitting outer garments. However, they have different uses and are often made from different materials.

robe can refer to any loose-fitting outer garment. This term is often used to describe a wide variety of garments, including long, flowing dresses worn on formal occasions, garments worn by certain professionals like judges or clergy, or garments worn for certain ceremonies.

On the other hand, a bathrobe is a specific type of robe that is typically worn after bathing or swimming to dry off and stay warm. Bathrobes are usually made from absorbent materials like terrycloth, cotton, or microfiber. They often have a belt or tie for closure and may also feature a hood or pockets.

So, in summary, all bathrobes are robes, but not all robes are bathrobes. The main difference lies in their intended use and the materials they are made from.

Mary Van 사진

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