When you are in a high-risk infection area, it is very necessary to put on and take off the disposable lab coats correctly.
Tips of donning the disposable lab coat:
1. First wash your hands.
2. Choose a suitable size 일회용 실험실 가운 that fit your height and weight. And check your lab coat for damage or stains and make sure your lab coat is intact and clean.
3. Put your arms into the lab coat’s sleeves, arms to end of wrists, then fully cover the torso from neck to knees.
4. Fasten all the buttons or velcros or zippers in front, make sure you leave enough space for your freedom of movement.
Tips of doffing the 일회용 실험실 가운:
1. First wash your hands (if you’re wearing the gloves, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for washing).
2. Unfasten the lab coat’s buttons, velcros or zipper, and watch out that the sleeves don’t contact your body or face when reaching for these.
3. Pull the disposable lab coats away from your body, don’t touch the outside of the disposable lab coat.
4. Turn the disposable lab coats inside out.
5. Roll it into a bundle and discard in the waste container.
6. Wash your hands again before you touch any parts of your body and other things.