
일회용 스크럽 캡을 어떻게 착용하나요?


There are two styles of disposable scrub caps, with elastic on back or with ties.

Here as below is the way to wear caps of these 2 styles.


The way to wear a scrub cap with ties:

Before wearing the cap, you should tie up the long hair(if it’s long).

Then, open the folded scrub cap and make sure the side with the ties should be at the back of the head.

Then, adjust the cap to wrap all the hair inside the cap. Adjust the ties so it’s just the right amount of tension and stops the hair from falling out, then tie it on.


The way to wear a scrub cap with elastic:

Before wear the cap, you should tie up the long hair(if it’s long).

Then, open the folded scrub cap and make sure the side with elastic should be at the back of the head. Adjust the cap to wrap all the hair inside.

Mary Van 사진

메리 반

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