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Whether incontinence pads or diapers are better largely depends on the individual’s needs, lifestyle, and the level of incontinence. Both products have their own set of advantages.

Incontinence pads are often less bulky than diapers and can be worn with regular underwear, making them a more discreet choice. They are ideal for individuals with light to moderate incontinence. Pads are also easier for the wearer to change themselves, especially when out and about. For active individuals who have a higher degree of mobility and independence, pads can offer a more convenient solution.

Diapers, on the other hand, generally offer higher absorbency levels, making them suitable for individuals with moderate to severe incontinence. They can provide a higher level of security against leaks, especially during sleep or prolonged periods of sitting or lying down. For individuals with limited mobility or those who require caregiver assistance, diapers might be a more practical choice.

Ultimately, the best product is the one that aligns with the wearer’s needs, offers comfort, preserves dignity, and effectively manages incontinence. It might also be beneficial to use a combination of products, such as using pads during the day for discretion and mobility, and diapers at night for maximum protection. Therefore, it’s important to assess the individual’s specific needs and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary.

Mary Van 사진

메리 반

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