
목욕 가운을 수건으로 사용할 수 있나요?


Yes, a bathrobe can be used as a towel to some extent. Bathrobes are typically made of absorbent materials like terrycloth or cotton, similar to towels, which allows them to effectively absorb water from the body after a bath or shower.

However, a bathrobe is designed more for comfort, warmth, and modesty rather than for drying off. It might not be as effective at drying certain areas as a towel would be, particularly hair and hard-to-reach areas.

Additionally, if the bathrobe becomes too saturated with water, it may not be as comfortable to wear. Therefore, while a bathrobe can certainly help dry you off, it’s a good idea to use a towel first for a thorough drying, then put on the bathrobe for continued comfort and warmth.

Mary Van 사진

메리 반

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