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Что включает в себя комплект одноразового постельного белья

Уютная белая кровать с подушками и растениями


A disposable bedding set is designed for temporary use and is often utilized in settings where hygiene is paramount, such as hospitals, shelters, or during travel. These sets provide a convenient and sanitary solution when laundering traditional bedding is impractical. Here’s what a typical disposable bedding set might include:

  1. Disposable Fitted Sheet:
    • Назначение: Covers the mattress to provide a clean surface for lying down.
    • Материал: Made from lightweight, breathable materials like spunbond polypropylene or non-woven fabric.
  2. Disposable Flat Sheet:
    • Назначение: Acts as a barrier between the sleeper and any blankets or covers, offering additional cleanliness and comfort.
    • Материал: Similar to the fitted sheet, often made from non-woven materials.
  3. Disposable Pillowcase:
    • Назначение: Covers the pillow to protect against germs and contaminants.
    • Материал: Typically made from the same non-woven material as the sheets, ensuring a consistent feel.
  4. Disposable Blanket or Duvet Cover (occasionally included):
    • Назначение: Provides warmth and is used as the top layer of the bedding set.
    • Материал: May be slightly thicker than the sheets, often incorporating a soft, insulating layer.
Уютная белая кровать с подушками и растениями
disposable bedding set

Optional Items:

  • Disposable Pillow: Sometimes included for settings where pillows are needed for short-term use. Made from lightweight materials with a simple filling.
  • Disposable Bed Skirt: Rarely included but may be available for specific applications where a neat appearance is required.
    Clean white pillows on tidy bed
    disposable pillows (14)
    Изображение Mary Van

    Мэри Ван

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