
The importance to wearing the shoe covers in the OR


The most common type of 신발 커버 you’ll see is a disposable ones. These are designed to protect your shoes from any liquid or solid materials that may get in the way, as well at stopping germs and debris on those pesky dirty sneakers!

The operating room generally has high requirements for hygiene standards. After all, the environmental hygiene conditions here are also critical to the success of the entire operation. The operating room is a sterile environment where professionals need to keep their patients safe from harm. The 신발 커버 help protect the patient and allow them not be contaminated by anything in this clean space, including biohazardous materials that may have been taken outside of it before being used for surgery procedures or other medical treatments requiring protection against possible contamination risks.

Wear 신발 커버 when in contact with patients who have hemorrhagic diseases to protect yourself from being exposed. Shoe covers should be worn as part of Full Barrier Precautions and these can also help prevent infection by keeping your feet clean, moistened, cool (especially during hot weather), etcetera!

Mary Van 사진

메리 반

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