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Quel matériau d'imperméable jetable est le plus adapté aux fortes pluies ?

Table des matières

For heavy rain, the best material for a disposable raincoat is polyethylene (PE) ou polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Here’s why these materials are effective:

  1. Polyéthylène (PE): This is a durable, waterproof material commonly used in disposable raincoats. It’s lightweight and provides good protection from heavy rain. PE is often used because it can be manufactured at a low cost while still offering effective waterproofing and wind resistance.
  2. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): PVC is more durable than PE and offers better protection against prolonged exposure to water. It’s heavier than PE but provides stronger resistance to tearing and can endure harsher weather conditions, making it ideal for heavy rain.
  3. EVA (éthylène-acétate de vinyle): EVA is another good option for heavy rain. It’s more flexible and comfortable than PE or PVC while still providing a high level of water resistance. It’s also eco-friendlier and more durable than traditional plastics, making it a strong choice for a balance of comfort and protection.

Among these, PVC is generally considered the best option for very heavy rain due to its superior durability and waterproofing properties, but PE is a good lightweight, economical alternative for shorter exposures.

Image de andrea-YF


Bonjour, je m'appelle Andrea. Au cours des dix dernières années, nous avons étendu nos services à plus de 150 clients dans 35 pays, notamment des hôpitaux, des unités de transformation alimentaire, des sociétés pharmaceutiques et des espaces propres ou de confinement biologique. Notre objectif est de protéger les employés, les lignes de production et votre clientèle. Cet article a pour but de fournir des informations sur l'utilisation des produits de protection hygiénique jetables en plastique et en non-tissé afin d'améliorer la sécurité des personnes et des biens dans ces environnements.

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