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Combien de bactéries y a-t-il dans le masque après l'avoir porté toute la journée ?

Since the outbreak of the New coronavirus 2019,masks have become a "rigid demand" in life, preventing us from the intrusion of bacteria and viruses. But have you ever wondered how many bacteria there will be in a mask that you've been wearing all day in a hot and humid summer?

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Since the outbreak of  the New coronavirus 2019,masks have become a “rigid demand” in life,  preventing us from the intrusion of bacteria and viruses. But have you ever wondered how many bacteria there will be in a mask that you’ve been wearing all day in a hot and humid summer?

Researchers conducted experiments with KF94 masks, ordinary masks, cotton masks and medical protective masks. After magnifying the used masks under a microscope, the results showed that bacteria were found in all four masks after wearing them for a day, with the highest number of bacteria in the more closed cotton masks and KF94 masks.  The velvet surface of the used mask is full of yellow impurities and wool.  The yellow particulate matter is almost all bacteria. Magnified to 1000 times, the particles attached to the mask fibers can be seen more clearly.

The higher the temperature and humidity inside the mask, the faster the bacteria will multiply. so the more bacteria in the mask with poor breathability. In hot summers, try to wear a  breathable disposable face mask when you are outside, the focus is to replace it frequently to prevent the growth of bacteria.

How to put on, use, remove and handle the mask.

1. Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-free hand sanitizer before wearing a mask.

2. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask to ensure that there is no gap between the face and the mask. Do not touch the mask when using it. If you do, please wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-free hand sanitizer

3. Once the mask becomes wet, replace it with a new 3 ply face mask immediately, and do not reuse the disposable mask.

4. Take off the mask correctly from the back and do not touch the front of the mask.  After take off the mask, Immediately discard it in a closed trash can and wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol-free hand sanitizer.

Image de jackie-YF


Bonjour, je suis Jackie Xu, le bailleur de fonds de Je dirige depuis 8 ans une usine chinoise qui fabrique des équipements de protection jetables. L'objectif de cet article est de partager avec vous les connaissances relatives aux produits de protection jetables du point de vue d'un fournisseur chinois.

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