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DELTA variant spreading fast around the world

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Delta variant is a version of the COVID-19, it was first detected in India. The experts say that the delta variant spreads much faster and more easily. And now, there’s a mutation of that variant has emerged, called ‘delta plus’. So far, cases of the delta plus variant had also been identified in the U.S. as well as Canada, India, Japan, Nepal, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland and Turkey.

Using Google’s data, we can see that there is a significant increase in new cases worldwide, including countries such as Israel and Australia, where vaccination rates are very high. This week also saw the start of a new local outbreak in China, with viruses traced back to the delta virus. It appears that the vaccine is not very effective in blocking delta virus infection. It has been learned through public health experts that the vaccine can greatly reduce the chance of severe illness, so the vaccine still needs to be administered consistently.

Experts advised the public to follow Covid restrictions and go get vaccinated as soon as they can. Also people should still wearing the masque de protection jetable and other personal protective equipment when get into the public place.

Image de andrea-YF


Bonjour, je m'appelle Andrea. Au cours des dix dernières années, nous avons étendu nos services à plus de 150 clients dans 35 pays, notamment des hôpitaux, des unités de transformation alimentaire, des sociétés pharmaceutiques et des espaces propres ou de confinement biologique. Notre objectif est de protéger les employés, les lignes de production et votre clientèle. Cet article a pour but de fournir des informations sur l'utilisation des produits de protection hygiénique jetables en plastique et en non-tissé afin d'améliorer la sécurité des personnes et des biens dans ces environnements.

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