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What is reinforced surgical gown?

Un médecin porte des gants

Table des matières

A reinforced surgical gown is a critical piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) used in medical and surgical environments to protect healthcare professionals and patients from the transmission of infections and contaminants during surgical procedures and other medical settings. This type of gown is specifically designed to offer a higher level of protection in areas where the risk of exposure to fluids, infectious agents, or other hazardous materials is greater.

Blouse chirurgicale renforcée

The “reinforced” aspect of the gown refers to the addition of a waterproof or fluid-resistant material in specific areas of the gown, such as the chest and arm regions, which are more prone to exposure to blood, bodily fluids, or other potentially infectious materials during surgery. This reinforcement ensures that the gown provides enhanced protection by preventing the penetration of liquids and microorganisms through the fabric, thus reducing the risk of cross-contamination and infection.

Reinforced surgical gowns are usually made from durable, breathable materials that can withstand rigorous sterilization processes. They are designed for single use to prevent cross-contamination between patients and medical staff. Features may include long sleeves with knitted cuffs that fit snugly around the wrists, adjustable neck velcro and waist ties for a secure and comfortable fit, and a high level of barrier protection in accordance with international health and safety standards.

In summary, reinforced surgical gowns are an essential component of infection control strategies in healthcare settings, offering critical protection during procedures that involve a high risk of fluid exposure.

Image de andrea-YF


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