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Why do all factories in China start their holiday a week in advance before the Chinese New Year every year?

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Factories in China typically begin their holidays a week or more before Chinese New Year (CNY) for several reasons:

  1. Travel Demand: Chinese New Year is the most significant holiday in China, and millions of migrant workers travel long distances to reunite with their families. The transportation system (trains, buses, flights) becomes extremely crowded during this time, and it can take several days for workers to travel back to their hometowns. Starting the holiday early allows employees to book transportation and avoid the rush, ensuring they can get home in time for the festivities.
  2. Factory Preparations: Before shutting down for the holiday, factories often need to finish up their production schedules and prepare for the extended break. The downtime is also used to clean, repair, or maintain factory equipment.
  3. Extended Time Off: The holiday itself lasts about 7 days, but many workers also take additional time off to avoid the hectic travel back to work after the holiday. Factories, especially those that are heavily dependent on migrant labor, tend to give extra time off to avoid workers rushing back too soon or not showing up on time after the break.
  4. Supply Chain and Logistics: Many businesses in China have to adjust their operations and order stock in advance of the holiday. By closing a week early, factories ensure they have time to clear out backlogs, deliver products before the shutdown, and allow their supply chains to restock before operations resume.
  5. Cultural Significance: Chinese New Year is deeply rooted in family traditions. Workers want to spend time with family, which might include traveling long distances. This time off ensures that employees can fully enjoy the holiday without the stress of last-minute travel or work commitments.

So, starting the holiday early is both practical (for travel and preparation) and culturally significant, giving workers the time to fully participate in the most important holiday of the year.

Therefore, we recommend that all customers plan their shipping arrangements in advance for this period. We will schedule production based on customer needs and ensure that shipments are arranged before the holiday begins, guaranteeing that goods can catch all scheduled sailings and flights on time, without delaying the customer’s sales plans.

Holiday notice:
Our sales office will start CNY holiday from Jan 27th to Feb 5th; and production department will be rest from Jan 23rd to Feb 12th.
We are still available on email or calls during holiday, please call us directly if any urgency.

Happy Chinese New Year with lanterns and flowers.

Image de andrea-YF


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