Coveralls are an item of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to cover the whole body and other clothing to protect against dirt, fluid, or other outside contaminants. Coveralls are one piece and loose fitting for ease of movement, with sleeves, full leggings and sometimes with a hood to cover the head. And sometimes it also include overshoe pieces to cover footwear and protect against contamination. Recently, combinaison jetable is more commonly used by the general public. We use disposable materials to make coveralls mostly because it can avoid cost issues when using non-disposable materials which are certain to sustain damage when used situations that require coveralls very regularly, for harsh work conditions. The common materials used to make disposable coverall are PP, PP+PE, SMS, or Microporeux. These materials have different safety ratings and properties which suit them to different evironments.
Table des matières
Bonjour, je m'appelle Andrea. Au cours des dix dernières années, nous avons étendu nos services à plus de 150 clients dans 35 pays, notamment des hôpitaux, des unités de transformation alimentaire, des sociétés pharmaceutiques et des espaces propres ou de confinement biologique. Notre objectif est de protéger les employés, les lignes de production et votre clientèle. Cet article a pour but de fournir des informations sur l'utilisation des produits de protection hygiénique jetables en plastique et en non-tissé afin d'améliorer la sécurité des personnes et des biens dans ces environnements.