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The things you should know about TYPE 5/6 and TYPE3/4 coveralls

Table des matières

The coverall has been approved for more than one Type, which means it can protect against a variety of hazards and meets all criteria. Coveralls who have met the standards of their Type, as well as the EN 14126 standard, will be marked with the appropriate Type. Type 3 coveralls protect the wearer against liquids. Type 4 coveralls offer protection against liquid spray and the saturation of liquids. Type 5 coveralls protect the wearer against dust and dry particles. Type 6 coveralls protect the wearer against light spray and splashes.

Disposable coveralls that are rated as Type 5/6 have passed the testing criteria for both Types 5 and 6. This means they offer protection against all hazards associated with these types: asbestos removalists can use them in their work; workers involved with wood processing or general manufacturing may also find themselves protected by these protective clothings (though perhaps not to quite varying degrees). The same applies to TYPE 3/4 which provide chemical resistance along side oil spill cleanups too!

Image de andrea-YF


Bonjour, je m'appelle Andrea. Au cours des dix dernières années, nous avons étendu nos services à plus de 150 clients dans 35 pays, notamment des hôpitaux, des unités de transformation alimentaire, des sociétés pharmaceutiques et des espaces propres ou de confinement biologique. Notre objectif est de protéger les employés, les lignes de production et votre clientèle. Cet article a pour but de fournir des informations sur l'utilisation des produits de protection hygiénique jetables en plastique et en non-tissé afin d'améliorer la sécurité des personnes et des biens dans ces environnements.

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